Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Best Friends

So I've been thinking a lot about how I'm a senior in high school and how we are half way through the year and all the memories that I've had this year, and I just thought about all my amazing friends that I've made this year, and those that I've been best friends with since the very beginning. I'm really the luckiest girl in the world to have such amazing friends like mine in my life and I'm so happy about how blessed I have been. Best friends are those who you can do everything or nothing with and still have the best time together, whether it be a night on the town and going out, or a movie and popcorn on the couch, they are always there for you and make you the happiest person in the world. They are the ones who will randomly text you in the middle of the night to tell you how much they love you and how amazing you are as a friend; let me just tell you, every single one of those text messages I screenshot and save them to read when I'm having a bad day.

No matter how serious life gets, we all need those friends in our lives whom we can still be completely stupid with, my favorite parts being all the crazy, funny inside jokes best friends share that make you both laugh and no one knows what the hell is so funny. A friend is someone who can see the pain that you're in, even when you're fooling everyone else, and masking the pain. And sometimes, being with those best friends is all the therapy you need. When I'm having a bad day, I can always count on my friends to spontaneously call or text them to get out of the house, and they will respond without hesitation and come to my rescue.

It's scary to think that all my best friends I've accumulated in high school and I will be parting ways soon, as we embark on the journey towards our future when we graduate and move on to college. However, it's those best friends that you don't need to talk to everyday, you don't need to talk to for weeks, but when you do, it's as if you'd never stopped talking. I am fortunate to have made the most amazing friends that life can offer. They always tell my to stay strong and keep fighting because being happy is the most important thing in life. Every girl needs a best friend who can make her laugh when she doesn't think she will ever be able to smile again. All you need is one of those. Fortunately, I have been blessed by the grace of God with SOOO many amazing best friends. Close friends support you through thick and thin and give you a shoulder to cry on for emotional support. Friendship can have a major impact on your well-being, and help heighten your happiness, and sense of self-worth and confidence. They remind you that life is worth fighting for and re-direct you back on the road to happiness and recovery after a bad time.

Thank you to all of my amazing friends who have stood by me at my best moments and darkest moments. You truly all have a special place in my heart, and I will ALWAYS cherish and love you all to the fullest.

xoxo kaitlyn

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support and praise in the creation of my new blog. There's nothing I love more than when someone comes up to me and tells me that my blog has impacted them in some way or floods me with love and praise. Writing is something I have always loved doing, ever since I was younger, and it's a way I can openly and freely pour out my emotions. My goal is to make this blog as successful as it can be, and continue to spread love and positive energy. Stay tuned I will be posting something special dedicated to my amazing friends, and I've been working on this one for weeks now so it will be a good one, and worth the read!!

Comment down below what you want to see me write about, I have some ideas drafted out, but want to incorporate the ideas of others if there is something that you want to be spoken about, or any questions you have that should be answered!!

xoxo kaitlyn